Video Fatihruddin The Confessing Children Nazaruddin

~ Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011
FATIHRUDDIN (Nazaruddin Child) TO SBY. Yes, that's the title of the video on the video sharing site YOUTUBE is again busy at this time, related to the video kid named Fatihruddin claiming Child Nazaruddin: Please Om SBY, Do not Do anything to Mom Dad I am.

The video is likely not a true video Nazaruddin existing child in the video. This video is a video about the criticism of the cases that occurred lately. Seen also in comments on the video:

"buat temen2 yg komen, ini Hanya sekedar Bentuk protes rakyat terhadap kisruh Hukum di Negara Kita, jadi Saya Bukan Anak Katakan nya Nazarudin, ataupun kerabatnya, trus Sudah Jelas terlihat Dari Awal video yang murah Akhir nya bahwa video yang Hanya lelucon belaka UNTUK ... Anak ini jadi Bermimpi aktor murah tdk berputus asa Ingin ... jgn Terlalu serius yah, nikmatin aja hehe .."

The following statement Nazaruddin Fatihruddin Children in the video:

Asalamualikum Wb

Ladies and gentlemen, om-om and aunts, brothers and sisters, fellow countrymen and compatriots. Merdeka!

It must all have known my father my mother, because they are already very well known. Well now my turn to introduce himself.

I was Fatihruddin, son of Nazaruddin. I ask Pak SBY, please do anything to my mother my father. they are innocent, they did not know anything. Please ask to Om Anas Urbaningrum, surely he knows better because he's follow-up. If you want to ask more clearly, asked tuh tante Angerlina (mean Angelina) Sondakh, surely he knows better again.

From the explanation both of them, certainly more SBY Om understand if my father had to work harder to collect money for the party. So please dong om (SBY), do anything to my mother my father. they had promised not to pretend to forget and keep the name of the party.

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